color love | yellow

Ali Hedin loves the color yellow

Yellow and I have a special sort of love/hate relationship.  We're both bright, fun, and energetic. But you know that friend?  That one who is super fun to be around for a few hours, even a few days, but then after spending too much time with her you start to turn into a crazy person?  She starts asking you to take her kids for hours at a time?  She starts inviting herself over for dinner?  You just can't shake her.  And pretty soon her problems, the people she "hates" and her family in general are your problem?  You know the one.  It's too much.  You have to take a step back.  In small doses she's the best thing ever.  But too much and you start to feel sick.  That's the relationship I have with the color yellow.  She's a high maintenance friend.  She's the best and the worst.  She makes everything bright and sunny, but also makes me nauseous if there's too much.   And like a high maintenance friend, I just can't shake her.  

I've figured out the secret to yellow - small doses around the house.  And possibly in jewelry.  But never in massive amounts.  So still, a lot like a high maintenance friend.  

Ali Hedin loves yellow
Ali Hedin loves Yellow

I'm planning a few yellow 'pops' for the Party House (let's agree to never say 'pops' again too) because it is such a great way to add life to a space.  How do you use yellow?  Do you use yellow?  Is it restricted to your lemons for a cocktail?

Ali Hedin loves Yellow
Betty White is the coolest